While more than one million people in the U.S. received the mpox vaccine in the last year, only 23% of those who received their first doses are fully vaccinated with second doses . If you received the first dose, you have some protection, but you are not completely protected without a second dose.

Last summer, to fight a mpox vaccine shortage, the vaccine was administered intradermally, or into the top layers of the skin. By administering it that way, providers were able to get five doses from each vial. While there is no longer a vaccine shortage, a recent study further supports findings that the vaccine is just as effective when administered intradermally as when given subcutaneously, or under the skin and into the fat layer. So, patients and providers can now decide which of the two approaches, intradermal or subcutaneous, are most appropriate for their situations.

Philadelphia has not seen many cases of mpox in recent months, but that does not mean that the risk is completely gone. While we hope new mpox cases remain low, the warmer weather may bring more opportunities for the virus to spread, especially with events and parties happening more in the spring and summer months. If you, or someone you know, has only received one dose of mpox vaccine, make sure they get their second dose as soon as possible. And people who may be exposed to mpox but haven’t been vaccinated yet, should do so.

For more information about the vaccine, who should get it, and where to find it, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s info page and vaccine widget.

To learn more about mpox in Philadelphia, including information on specific clinics that are offering the vaccine, visit the Health Department’s mpox webpage.