Since August 2021, the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has funded 29 internal projects through the Operations Transformation Fund (OTF), with the goal of improving government efficiency and better serving Philadelphia residents. The $10 million investment has allowed 28 departments to reimagine and transform processes.  

CAO maintains its commitment to transparency by sharing monthly updates on the OTF Project Dashboard and publishing bi-annual OTF Progress Reports. This week, CAO published its Winter 2023 Operations Transformation Fund Progress Report. The report provides updates about the diverse projects funded by the OTF. Besides performance metrics, readers will see project highlights, photographs, and quotes from City employees about the process.  

It can be challenging to bring new ideas and projects to life within City government. There are barriers to innovation. Funding can be one obstacle, and the OTF’s $10 million investment has supported City projects that may not have been funded otherwise. The logistics of launching and sustaining projects can present additional obstacles, and the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer is providing ongoing administrative support and technical assistance to help teams navigate all challenges.  

The following themes highlight how the OTF has been critical in moving government forward: 

  • Cross departmental relationship building and collaboration 
  • Funding and capacity building  

In addition to the bi-annual progress reports, the public can keep up with all 29 OTF projects through the Project Dashboard. CAO launched the OTF Project Dashboard to track the implementation status of OTF projects. The dashboard is updated on a monthly basis. 

Read the full OTF Progress Report