Following a 44% reduction in municipal emissions, the City shows continued commitment with a LEED Gold requirement for new buildings

PHILADELPHIA – The City of Philadelphia released an update report today on the government’s energy and climate progress, along with an executive order signed by Mayor Jim Kenney updating the energy efficiency and environmental design sustainability standards for all new municipal buildings and major renovation projects.

2022 Progress Update – Municipal Energy Master Plan (MEMP)

The Office of Sustainability’s 2022 update to its Municipal Energy Master Plan shares the City’s progress towards meeting its four institutional goals around energy and climate, as well as progress toward reducing energy use, expanding renewable energy, lowering carbon pollution, and reducing associated energy costs. Notable updates include:

  • The City achieved a 44 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (from its 2006 baseline) and remains on track to cut emissions by 50 percent before 2030, despite challenges dealt by the COVID-19 pandemic and a volatile energy market.
  • In partnership with the Philadelphia Energy Authority, the Philly Streetlight Improvement Project (PSIP) has moved into the design phase after completing trial installations and a citywide streetlight audit. This cost neutral project is on track to convert 120,000 streetlights into energy efficient LED lights connected to a central lighting management system, improving nighttime visibility and lighting operations.
  • The City has broken ground on the Adams Solar project, which will provide 22 percent of electricity needed to power all municipal buildings upon completion. The construction of this new 70WM solar array was created through a power purchase agreement with the Philadelphia Energy Authority and Energix Renewables.
  • The Energy Office has launched a dashboard to track the City’s compliance to the Building Energy Performance Program (BEPP). Since the program began in 2020, the City has worked with tune-up specialists to make low-to-no cost tweaks that save energy, lower utility costs, and achieve compliance in eight large municipal buildings.
  • The Energy Office welcomes a new Program Manager for Capital Improvements and a Program Manager for Renewable Energy, both of whom will help accelerate the progress of the MEMP goals.

Mayor Signs Executive Order for Updated Municipal LEED Ordinance

Today, Mayor Jim Kenney signed an executive order operationalizing recent changes to the Municipal LEED ordinance. Effective July 1, 2023, all new municipal buildings and major renovation projects must achieve a LEED Gold certification, a standard requiring lower carbon impacts and healthier environments.

LEED, also known as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program, is a widely used rating system that recognizes high-performance, sustainable buildings worldwide. LEED-certified buildings consume 25 percent less energy and reduce carbon emissions by 34 percent. In Philadelphia, where building emissions contribute to more than 70 percent of the citywide carbon footprint, setting greater standards for high-performance buildings will help the City cost-effectively decrease energy expenses and mitigate climate change.

“As the impacts of the climate crisis become clearer, raising the City’s LEED standard from Silver to Gold demonstrates our continued commitment to meeting our 2030 emissions goals. While ensuring good stewardship of public funds, city government leads by example in addressing the climate crisis​ and enhancing health and wellness​ for the City’s workforce and visitors,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Embracing efficiency and energy use reductions​ is an essential part of our strategy to become a climate-prepared city.”

The Municipal LEED ordinance, first enacted in 2009, set the LEED standard at Silver certification. Seven City buildings have achieved or exceeded that standard to date.

About the City’s Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability (OOS) works with partners around the city to improve quality of life in all Philadelphia neighborhoods, through addressing environmental justice, reducing the city’s carbon emissions, and preparing Philadelphia for a hotter and wetter future. The Energy Office, housed within OOS, is responsible for managing the municipal energy portfolio and its contribution towards carbon reductions. For more information, please visit

About the Philadelphia Energy Authority

The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) is a municipal government entity supporting the City on energy affordability and sustainability. Created in 2010, PEA is focused on developing and facilitating long-term energy projects and policies, and supporting a robust clean energy economy in Philadelphia. Among other work, PEA holds long-term energy contracts on behalf of the City. For more information on PEA’s work, visit
