On October 6 Mayor Jim Kenney joined with City officials and members of the Vision Zero Task Force to release Philadelphia’s Vision Zero Annual Report and reaffirm the City’s commitment to achieving zero traffic deaths by 2030. After a tragic spike in traffic deaths in 2020, we had hoped for a dramatic decrease in 2021. This was not the case. 121 traffic deaths made 2021 the second-deadliest year for traffic crashes since 1999. 

In addition to data and analysis covering the most recent conditions and trends in traffic violence, the report includes the progress made by the Vision Zero Task Force over the past year. Highlights of this work include:

  • Results from Roosevelt Boulevard’s Automated Speed Enforcement pilot program show a 92 percent decrease in speeding violations over the first year and a half since cameras were installed. This has led to 49 percent fewer traffic deaths on Roosevelt Boulevard.
  • The completion of the first two Neighborhood Slow Zones. These infrastructure projects are planned and designed in direct collaboration with the neighborhood.
  • Large safety improvement and infrastructure projects across the city, including Cobbs Creek Parkway, Chestnut Street Bridge, and Washington Avenue upgrades designed to improve these corridors for all road users, regardless of how they choose to travel.
  • Updates to Philadelphia’s bus network to improve transit performance and better serve Philadelphia residents.
  • Expansions to the High Quality Bike Network and new Indego stations improve safety and access to everyone who chooses to ride a bicycle for transportation.
  • New grants awarded to the City and our partners to fund upcoming projects.
  • And much more!

As Mayor Jim Kenney states in the report: “This past year’s work has made it clear that progress is possible, and the need is greater than ever. The work ahead will not be easy, but the Vision Zero Task Force is more dedicated—and better equipped—to implement system-wide changes than ever before.”