The Philadelphia Fire Department honored three members today for their courageous and life-saving actions on two recent incidents. 

Paramedic Asia Johnson and Advanced EMT Amanda Matthews were named EMS Providers of the Year for rescuing a patient who — during a mental health crisis on a busy roadway — tried to jump off a ledge. 

Firefighter Sean Frazer, of Ladder 13 in West Philly, was named Firefighter of the Year for rescuing two people from a burning building.  

“Their incredible work should inspire all of us to have hope and optimism, because we know that even on our worst days, there are people who will quite literally give themselves to save the life of a perfect stranger,” Fire Commissioner Adam K. Thiel said during a ceremony at Fireman’s Hall Museum. “That’s who we are, and that’s what we do.” 

Faced with a patient who initially ran away from them and into traffic, Johnson and Matthews positioned their ambulance to protect the individual from oncoming vehicles. When the patient made it to an elevated ledge, they grabbed the individual and, eventually, safely took the person to the hospital. 

Johnson and Matthews both thanked the PFD Historical Corp., which chose the honorees, and acknowledged their colleagues throughout the department. 

“I wish there were more awards we could give, because there are a lot of us out here working hard,” Johnson said.   

Frazer was among dozens of members who responded to a fire in a three-story building. As Engine 68 worked to knock down flames on the second floor, Frazer made his way further upstairs to locate two trapped occupants who had been spotted earlier in the rear windows of the third floor. He guided them to the stairs so they could safely leave the building. 

“This never would have happened if it wasn’t for the group effort of everybody that I work with,” Frazer said. 

Johnson, Matthews and Frazer will be guests on Commissioner Thiel’s monthly call-in radio show on Saturday, Oct. 8 at 3 p.m. Tune in at 900 AM, 96.1 FM or listen online at