PHILADELPHIA – The City of Philadelphia today announced that as of August 8, 2022, nearly 100 percent of the City’s represented workforce is compliant with the City’s workforce vaccination mandate; this is over 22,000 employees. The figures include represented employees who are either fully vaccinated, have received one dose of the vaccine, or have an approved or pending exemption request. Approximately 68 represented employees remain out of compliance and will be separated from employment for failure to meet the vaccination requirements of the Award and City’s Vaccine Mandate Policy.

It is important to note that these figures only represent offices and departments within the Administrative branch; this does not include data for independently elected offices. That information can be obtained directly from those offices.

No impact on core City services is expected as a result of these few terminations as departments proactively prepared to hire new staff to fill in the vacancies as soon as possible.

“We have reached nearly 100 percent compliance with our vaccination mandate for our represented workforce, and this success was possible because of the hard work and partnership between our City labor partners and our Administration team,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “I am proud of our City’s workforce who, as public servants, bear a responsibility to mitigate the harm that would result from inadvertent transmission of COVID-19 to our colleagues and the public. The safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines remain the best way to protect Philadelphians and save lives in the ongoing struggle to fight this pandemic.”

Employees granted an exemption from the vaccination requirements will be required to follow additional safety protocols, including routine testing.

Regarding exempt and non-represented employees, the City instituted a vaccination mandate for all in December 2021, which constitutes roughly 3,200 of the City’s total 25,000 employees, which does not include employees in independently elected offices. As a result of that mandate, 15 exempt and non-represented employees were terminated, representing less than 1 percent of this employee group.
