Now accepting applications for the Neighborhood Slow Zone Program! For more information about how you can apply, please see this press release.

The Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (OTIS) is kicking off the community design process for Tenth Memorial Way and West Passyunk as part of the Vision Zero Neighborhood Slow Zone Program.

In 2020, the City announced the selection of Tenth Memorial Way and West Passyunk Slow Zones as part of the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan 2025.  These neighborhoods were scored based upon criteria described in the Neighborhood Slow Zone Program Score Report evaluating crash history, community spaces (like schools or churches), and vulnerable populations living in the area.

About the Neighborhood Slow Zone Program

The Neighborhood Slow Zone Program supports the City’s Vision Zero goal introduced by  Mayor Kenney in October 2016 to eliminate traffic fatalities. Willard Elementary and Fairhill were the first neighborhoods to be selected to receive slow zones in the first round of the program in 2019. Construction for Willard Elementary Slow Zone and the Fairhill Neighborhood Slow Zone will be complete in April 2022.  The public is invited to see the finalized construction of the Willard Elementary Slow Zone at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 3rd, 2022.

Slow Zone improvements

The Neighborhood Slow Zone Program brings posted speed limits down to 20MPH and installs traffic calming throughout an entire zone of residential streets. Depending on the challenges that neighbors and the City identify, different combinations of these tools can be used to slow driver speeds to the 20MPH speed limit. Potential tools may include:

  • Gateway treatments
  • Corner clearances
  • Speed cushions
  • Chicanes
  • Neighborhood traffic circles
  • Diverters
  • Raised crosswalks
  • Street murals
  • Changes to street directions
  • Pavement markings and signs

After a neighborhood is selected, the City works with residents to co-design a slow zone that addresses the challenges and needs of the area. The City first works closely with the primary applicant to plan and hold a design meeting for community members and stakeholders. Then, the City develops conceptual plans based on community input. At a second meeting, community members will review the conceptual plans and can ask questions, provide feedback, make suggestions, and help further refine or develop the design. A final meeting with the community serves as a final plan review and look ahead to construction.

Next steps

  • The upcoming kick-off for the Tenth Memorial Slow Zone will be Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Prep at 1733 W Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19130 where neighbors are invited to give feedback on the Slow Zone designs being proposed.
  • The kick-off for the West Passyunk Slow Zone will be held in April. Further details are to be confirmed.
  • Additional meetings will take place this year for each slow zone.
  • Construction for the slow zones is anticipated to start in 2024.

Save the date: Construction for the first round of the Neighborhood Slow Zone program is wrapping up! Join us on Tuesday, May 3rd for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the new Willard and Fairhill Slow Zones. Stay tuned for details!

The Neighborhood Slow Zone Program is made possible by Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) funding, which is distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The total ARLE funding award was $1M, which includes design and construction costs associated with the two (2) Neighborhood Slow Zones. The City continues to explore additional funding sources for the Neighborhood Slow Zone program.