The Millennial Advisory Committee (MAC) released its 2021 Progress Report, submitting to City Council and Mayor Kenney an official record of activities held in 2021 and announcing plans in its 2022-2023 vision casting.

In 2021, MAC worked on several initiatives to connect Millennials to engagement opportunities with the larger community and also advised the City on policies, programs, and actions affecting young Philadelphians. These are highlights of MAC’s work, showcased in its 2021 Progress Report:

  1. Anti-Violence initiatives: Operation Innovation was a space created to challenge Gen-Z and Millennial residents to reimagine existing frameworks to bring fresh perspectives to the government using a co-design model and provide themselves and their peers with tools to manage their communities. Conversations between the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) and the Mayor’s Office of Youth Engagement (OYE) led to utilizing this space collaboratively to engage youth around reform work and an urgent need to address public safety.
  2. Get Out the Vote (GOTV): Since every year is an election year, our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Committee took a “No Off-year Elections” approach to MAC’s first Instagram GOTV Campaign of 2021. One pillar of the GOTV strategy was a multi-week social media campaign implemented in the weeks leading up to the municipal primary and general elections. The content was centered on non-partisan voter information, including voter registration and mail-in-ballot processes and deadlines, positions up for election, and the importance of voting in 2021.
  3. Resource Sharing and Community Convening: The Mayor’s Office of Youth Engagement, the Millennial Advisory, and the Philadelphia Youth Commission partnered to produce safe and socially-distanced Gen-Z/Millennial jobs and resource fair geared toward providing much-needed opportunities for the city’s youngest residents.
  4. Legislative Affairs: Throughout 2021 the Legislative Affairs Committee focused on highlighting legislation that was moving through Philadelphia City Council. Their goal was to get millennials more civically engaged by alerting them to what potential or signed laws would affect our collective futures. In particular, MAC highlighted “An Alternative to Rental Security Deposits”, “Police Oversight Commission: The Future of Philly Police Accountability”, and “Driving Equity Bill.”

MAC’s vision for 2022-2023 is to listen and respond to the diverse perspective of millennials across Philadelphia. Operationally, this means the committee must grow in its capacity to exercise power, defined throughout these key principles:

  1. Power through connection.
  2. Amplifying underrepresented voices and empowering others to do the same.
  3. Growing individually and collectively through meaningful professional development opportunities.
  4. Implementing dynamic ways to take action on mission-aligned issues and empowering others to do the same.

The Millennial Advisory Committee (MAC) is looking for civically minded young Philadelphians to join the Committee. MAC serves as the voice of Philadelphia’s millennial population within City government.