Rebuild Philadelphia, the City’s historic investment in public spaces, is excited to welcome Aiisha Herring-Miller (she/her) as the newly appointed Deputy Director for Diverse Business and Workforce Development.

In this role, Aiisha will lead Rebuild’s efforts in building and supporting a pipeline of minority and women-owned businesses through innovative initiatives like the Emerging Vendors Program and the marquee program, Rebuild Ready.  So far, Rebuild Ready boasts well over 90 graduating companies equipped with specialized training geared at supporting them in their work to apply for and win government contracts while also exposing them to a strong network of professionals to further grow their potential within the field.

Aiisha joins Rebuild in a critical time in its history — coming off an historic year in diverse contract participation and workforce development, Rebuild boasts a 68% diverse participation rate amongst its contracts for construction and professional services – beating both goals in minority and women owned participation. With more of Rebuild’s 72 projects across the city moving into construction, Rebuild anticipates that number to continue to increase and more Rebuild Ready graduates to continue to work on exciting improvements to Philadelphia’s parks, rec centers and libraries.

A 20+ year veteran of the City of Philadelphia, Herring-Miller joins Rebuild after serving as Senior Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity where her work empowered diverse businesses throughout Philadelphia.

“Aiisha’s resume speaks for itself,” said Kira Strong, Executive Director of Rebuild. “Her demonstrated commitment to fighting for equity in the business community through Philadelphia makes her a perfect fit for this role.”

Aiisha joined Rebuild on November 29,2021 and can be reached at

The Rebuild program will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Philadelphia’s parks, recreation centers, and libraries. Made possible by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax. Learn more about Rebuild’s approved sites and the work being completed.