WHAT: Pennsylvania-Task Force 1 (PA-TF1) deploys to assist with search and rescue efforts at a building collapse in Surfside, Florida

WHO: Members of PA-TF1
Fire Commissioner Adam K. Thiel

WHEN: TODAY – Wednesday, June 30 between 5 and 8 p.m.

WHERE: 6601 New State Road, Philadelphia

Seventy members of PA-TF1 will deploy TODAY to assist with search and rescue efforts at a condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida. PA-TF1’s convoy of buses and trucks filled with resources and equipment will leave in a few hours to begin the 1,200-mile journey to the Miami area. Media can get photos, b-roll and interviews between 5 and 8 p.m. at PA-TF1 headquarters on New State Road.

The Philadelphia Fire Department sponsors PA-TF1, which is one of 28 state-based, specially trained urban search-and-rescue teams overseen by FEMA. PA-TF1 includes members of the PFD as well as first responders from across the region.

In recent years, PA-TF1 deployed to South Carolina for 19 days to assist those affected by flooding caused by Hurricane Florence. The team also deployed to the Florida panhandle for 10 days to help after Hurricane Michael.
