While we continue to avoid large gatherings COVID-19, it is still important to stay physically active. Exercise is good for your body and mind – and group exercise is a great way to stay motivated and feel connected to community!

In that spirit, Murrell Dobbins CTE High School, one of Philadelphia’s Community Schools, is proud to offer its Get Fit Saturdays program via Zoom!

Every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., the Dobbins team and partners will present fun, healthy activities, including:

  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Nutrition workshops
  • And more!

This weekly fitness program will be held entirely on Zoom. It begins on Saturday February 13 and runs through Saturday, April 24. To register, email Community School Coordinator Charles Reyes at Charles.Reyes@phila.gov. We hope to see you there!