Volunteer registration is now open for the annual Love Your Park Fall Service Day on Saturday, November 14.
The pandemic helped many Philadelphians realize the importance of the city’s parks. Our 10,200 acres of parkland, including dozens of neighborhood parks, served as a green respite from hours spent inside. Parks helped people improve their mental health and physical wellbeing. Love Your Park Fall Service Day is an opportunity for you to give some love back to these important spaces!
Each year at this event thousands of volunteers come out to clean and green their parks. They help plant trees and flowers, remove litter, and rake leaves. Here’s the details on this year’s event:
What: Love Your Park Fall Service Day
When: Saturday, November 14
Where: Sites across the city
To keep everyone safe, we will follow the most up-to-date guidance from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. This includes:
- Limiting participants to 25 people at each park.
- Requiring masks.
- Maintaining social distance.
Why should you Love Your Park on November 14th? We’ve got three simple reasons.
By Sara Hirschler, Fairmount Park Conservancy
1) Time spent outside can help relieve stress.
2) Prepping parks for winter improves the overall environment:
Plant trees and flower bulbs.
Remove litter.
Collect leaves for composting.
Mulch planting areas.
Planting trees beautifies your community and helps purify the air. They help absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen.
Composting leaves keeps them out of our landfills. It also creates a nutrient-rich material. Parks & Rec uses this to sustain plants at our parks next season. We also provide this organic material to city residents and community gardens.
Cleaning up litter helps keep trash out of our waterways. This helps fish and wildlife and improves the quality of our local drinking water.
3) You’re helping to make a difference in your neighborhood.
Ready to volunteer? Follow these easy steps:
Love Your Park is a partnership among:
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.
Fairmount Park Conservancy.
More than 100 volunteer groups who steward their neighborhood parks.
Albert Lofgren-Antoinette Farrar Seymour Donor-Advised Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
The Gordon Charter Foundation
Knight Foundation
TD Bank