Am I eligible for the Homestead Exemption? How do I apply for it? Is my business eligible? Each day, our customer service representatives receive great questions like these about The Homestead Exemption.   

Thousands of Philadelphia homeowners are getting up to $629 in property tax savings each year with The Homestead Exemption, but not everyone understands how this program works. To make things clearer, we’re answering your questions about the popular Real Estate Tax relief program.

  1. Can you have Homestead on more than one property?
    No, you can only receive a Homestead on your primary residence. If you own, or co-own more than one property, you’ll only be eligible for Homestead in the property you currently live in.
  2. How long does Homestead stay on the property?
    You will receive property tax savings for every year you own and live in the property. You’ll never need to reapply unless your deed changes.
  3. What are the requirements to apply for Homestead?
    To qualify for the Homestead Exemption you must own the property, and you must live in the property as your primary residence. There are no income or age limits to qualify for the Homestead Exemption.
  4. If part of your house is a business and the other part is your primary residence, can you get a partial Homestead?
    If your home is used partially for a business, you must let us know on your application. You can still get the Homestead Exemption on the portion that is residential. For example, if you have a store on the bottom floor of your property, and live on the top floor, you can apply for Homestead and report that 50% of the property is used as a business.
  5. Is Homestead the same thing as LOOP?
    No. The Homestead Exemption, reduces the taxable portion of your property’s assessed value up to $45,000. The Longtime Owner Occupants Program (LOOP) is a Real Estate Tax relief program for eligible homeowners whose property assessments (after the Homestead Exemption) increased by 50%, or more, from the previous year.
    You cannot have both a Homestead and be in LOOP at the same time.
  6. Is Homestead just for Philly homeowners?
    Yes, you must own and live in a Philadelphia property to be eligible for the Homestead Exemption.

To apply for The Homestead exemption you can fill out the online application, or print one of the application forms and send them by mail to: 

City of Philadelphia
Department of Revenue
PO Box 52817
Philadelphia, PA 19115