Parks & Rec has stopped issuing event permits until further notice.


All current permits are canceled. Parks & Rec will not issue permits for or allow:
  • Private events (weddings, picnics)
  • Community events.
  • Sports or group recreation.
  • Media productions.
Read the latest on Parks & Recreation picnic, wedding, and sport permits. This replaces the guidance listed below.


The COVID-19 crisis has caused the cancelation of countless programs and events. Many of these take place at Philadelphia Parks & Recreation sites. Parks & Rec has created a plan to help our permit holders receive refunds for canceled events. We’re also holding off on issuing new permits. This plan is effective Monday, April 13, 2020, until further notice.

New permit applications

Parks & Rec will not process any new permit applications until further notice.

Permit payments received after March 17, 2020

Parks & Rec will return any payment received in the mail after March 17 to the address on the payment.

Refunds for permit payments

Parks & Rec may be able to refund your permit fee if you:
  • Paid for a permit for an event or program at a Parks & Rec site and
  • Had to cancel your event/activity due to COVID-19 and
  • Made your payment to “Fairmount Park” or “Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.”

These permits types can receive a full refund:

  • Picnics
  • Wedding photos
  • Wedding ceremonies
  • Friends and community events
  • Events and festivals.

Recreation and athletic permits (e.g., “ballfield permits”):

You can request a full or partial refund for recreation permits. It all depends on when the City’s Stay at Home Order ends and your organization can begin its season.

NOTE: this applies to payments made to “Fairmount Park” or “Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.” 

Request a full refund now if your organization wants to:

  • Cancel the full season.
  • Give up all permitted dates.
Request a partial refund if your organization wants to:
  • Resume play when the stay-at-home order ends.
  • Keep the dates you permitted after the Stay at Home Order ends.
If you choose a partial refund after the Stay at Home Order ends, Parks & Rec will:
  • Issue a refund based on the number of remaining days on your permit.
  • Save the remaining dates requested in your original permit for your organization.

How to request a refund

It’s easy—just fill out the online form! Submit a Parks & Rec permit refund request.

  • Visit our hompage for a future post about rescheduling permitted events and programs.



Although our programs and events are canceled, there are still opportunities for exercise in our parks and on our trails.