(Image Credit: Total Shape https://totalshape.com/; Personal Trainer Pioneer https://www.ptpioneer.com/)
NOTE: This page is no longer being updated. For current information, please see our COVID-19 home page.
We won’t be the first to tell you that there is a lot going on right now. Every day is bringing more news, more information to take in, and we are finding our daily routines are changing dramatically.
In a time of heightened stress and uncertainty, how do we prioritize self-care? Here are some tips and resources for staying informed, staying healthy, and finding ways to incorporate joyful movement into your day.
Free workout videos and other tips to keep moving:
- Check out our five-minute Philly Powered Movement Break. You can do this alone, with someone at home, or even share with colleagues on your next video call.
- Try a home workout with virtually no equipment – join Philly’s own, Avante Bailey of ABMB Mind and Body who shares workouts for all abilities and fitness levels.
- Explore the tons of free Zumba and yoga videos on YouTube – try out different instructors to see who you like best.
- Challenge yourself to these free at-home workout options, including apps and online classes, shared by NBC.
- If you’re feeling well, go for a walk or roll outside – solo or with the members of your household. Make sure you are maintaining six feet of distance with anyone else who may also be enjoying some fresh air.
- Be creative – what can you use at home? Stair-climbing, weight-lifting with canned goods or a water jug, or a virtual dance party with friends? Think outside the box.

Always remember to check-in with your body, listen to what feels good and what doesn’t. This is not a race, and you are the best judge of your own strength and comfort zone. For all of us, as well as those of us with chronic pain, fatigue, and other health conditions – resting your body and getting good sleep are also necessary for health. Be compassionate with yourself, and be prepared to make adjustments to your regular routine.
And of course, it’s so important for us to take care of our mental health. Physical distancing, canceled plans, and disrupted routines can make us feel increased anxiety, stress, and isolation. Moving our bodies is one way to help alleviate some of that stress, but we have other tools in our toolkits, too.
- Take care of your mental and behavioral health. Our friends at the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services have more tips and tricks for you here.
- Try deep breathing and meditation – there are free apps like Calm or Insight Timer to try, or you can get started by just finding a comfortable seated position, closing your eyes, and paying attention to your breath.
- Find activities that bring you joy. Reading, writing, listening to music, making art, calling up a good friend – there are many ways we can stay grounded and connected to one another, and to ourselves.
- Stay connected with the Free Library! They will be posting a new blog each day highlighting something you can do from home using the library, including cooking from home; language learning; BookFlix (similar to Netflix); Youth Services Spring Reading Challenge; and homework help with an online tutor. These can all be found on the Free Library Blog in the coming days. They will also be promoting their digital resources including ebooks, audiobooks, movies, TV, music, and more! You can still get a library card online at freelibrary.org
Created by Brooke Anderson.
We would love to hear your suggestions, and what’s working for you. Reach out to us at GetHealthyPhilly@phila.gov if you have any other resources you’ve come across that you’d like us to share. Wishing you and yours good health, safety, and moments of joy.
Important resources on COVID-19 coronavirus:
- For the latest information and updates on COVID-19 coronavirus in Philadelphia: phila.gov/COVID-19
- COVID-19 Text Alerts: Text COVIDPHL to 888-777 to receive updates to your phone.
- Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline: Call the 24/7 helpline at 1-800-722-7112 to speak with a health care professional.