Today the City released the 2019 Mechanical Broom Street Cleaning Evaluation. This report reviews the 2019 pilot program operated in six different neighborhoods.

The Streets Department partnered with GovLabPHL, to review the 2019 pilot. The report assessed the implementation and the impact of the pilot program.

Many of the residents surveyed in the pilot areas reported a positive difference in the cleanliness of their block. Findings from the evaluation are as follows:

  • Trash Collected and Miles Traveled: The amount of trash collected per day decreased, suggesting cleaner streets. Also, the miles traveled by mechanical brooms per day increased, suggesting cleaner streets and increased efficiency.
  • Resident Satisfaction: 96 percent of residents in each pilot area support expanding the program across the city. 78 percent recommended the continued sweeping frequency of weekly. 92 percent support using the backpack blowers to assist in moving dirt and debris along the curb. 91 percent support moving their vehicles, making it easier for the mechanical brooms to sweep. This represents more than 2,000 resident surveys collected by door-to-door outreach.
  • Litter Index Distribution: The average Litter Index rating declined in both pilot and neighbor areas. It declined more in pilot areas than the neighbor areas, indicating more litter in pilot areas. Due to the limited data available, the study was not able to distinguish if these results are due to citywide changes or the pilot.

The Streets Department plans to use the data and recommendations in the report to improve the program moving forward. As part of the 2020 program, mechanical cleaning will expand to new neighborhoods. In some areas, cars will be required to move during sweeping operations. Full details of the 2020 program will be announced this Spring.