If you received a “Warning of Risk of Tax Foreclosure” letter from the City of Philadelphia in the mail, take it seriously. Now is the time pay your Real Estate Tax bill in full, or enroll into a payment plan.

If you ignore your bill,

  • The amount you owe will continue to increase.
  • You could end up losing your home at a Sheriff Sale.

We’ve published the full text of the letter on the City’s website. It includes information about programs that help you stay in your home.

Last year, we expanded the Owner-Occupied Payment Agreement (OOPA) to reach more Philadelphia residents. Senior Citizens and low-income residents can also qualify for Real Estate Tax installments plans.

The letter also lists counseling agencies that can show you how to apply for assistance programs.

For residents who don’t speak English as their first language, the letter is available in eight other languages (see links below).

Waiting will only make things worse. If you received a Warning of Risk of Tax Foreclosure letter, take action today.

Para la traducción de esta información, visite la página web phila.gov/warningletter y para los servicios de traducción, llame al (215) 686-6442

如需此資訊的翻譯,請造訪phila.gov/warningletter。如需翻譯服務,請致電 (215) 686-6442

Перевод данной информации можно найти на сайте phila.gov/warningletter, а услуги перевода можно заказать по телефону (215) 686-6442

Để có bản dịch thông tin này, xin vui lòng vào phila.gov/warningletter và để có dịch vụ dịch thuật hãy gọi (215) 686-6442

Para obter a tradução das informações, visite phila.gov/warningletter e para serviços de tradução, ligue para (215) 686-6442

Pour la traduction de cette information, rendez-vous au phila.gov/warningletter et pour les services de traduction, appelez au (215) 686-6442

본 정보의 번역본을 확인하시려면 phila.gov/warningletter 를 방문하시고, 번역 서비스를 원하시면 (215) 686-6442번으로 문의해 주십시오


Photo credit: Taylor Farnsworth