South 11th Street is on the City’s repaving list for 2019. Construction on S. 11th Street from Bainbridge Street to Reed Street is underway. Each paving project is an opportunity to take a fresh look at a street and determine what is working and what safety improvements can be made.

We want to make S. 11th Street safer for everyone.

The ultimate goal of this project is to improve safety for everyone who uses this street, including people who take transit, walk, bicycle and drive. The City believes in making streets a shared space for all community members.

In recent years, there have been many crashes involving people walking and biking. Many community members surveyed along S. 11th Street noted that they feel unsafe crossing the street. They are also concerned about drivers parking close to and on the crosswalks, speeding and running red lights.

The elements of the S. 11th Street project include:

  • Paving over unused trolley tracks.
  • Creating “bump outs” that decrease walking distances for people walking.
    • Installing flex posts to separate areas designated for people driving from people walking.
  • Refreshing the pavement markings of travel lanes and crosswalks.
  • Installing a two-way protected bicycle lane that separates people driving from people biking.
  • Working with business owners and the Philadelphia Parking Authority to put new loading zones on S 11th Street and adjacent streets to encourage safe and legal passenger and business loading.

These improvements will increase traffic safety because:

  • People walking will have a shorter distance to cross.
    • Flex posts will define pedestrian bump outs.
  • Flex posts will prevent illegal car parking in crosswalks, making people walking more visible to drivers.
  • Two-way bicycle lane will separate people driving from people biking, reducing potential conflicts.

When complete, these street safety improvements will be part of the City’s high-quality bicycle network, which promotes biking as a transportation and recreation option for people of all ages and abilities. People biking will be able to connect to Washington Avenue, the South 13th Street Neighborhood Bikeway via Fitzwater Street, and South 10th Street via Reed Street.

The City of Philadelphia is proud to adopt Vision Zero. Vision Zero aims to eliminate all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries on Philadelphia streets by 2030, while increasing safety, health, and mobility for all. Learn more at