Images courtesy of Philadelphia magazine.
Philadelphia magazine featured two City of Philadelphia team members in its list The New Look of Power. The publication described the New Philly Power members this way:
“Brash. Diverse. Socially aware. A new generation is making its mark on Philadelphia. Meet 38 people determined to shake up the city’s status quo.”
Marcel Pratt and Christine Knapp earned this honor through their visionary work and their drive to shape a city that works for all Philadelphians.
Marcel Pratt, City Solicitor
Philly Mag gave Marcel Pratt the title “Kenney Agenda Defender,” and it’s a well-earned designation. The Penn and Temple grad became the youngest City solicitor ever when appointed by Mayor Kenney in 2018. As the City’s chief legal counsel, he manages a 300-person law department and represents our government in legal matters.
That’s how he became a major player in the City of Philadelphia’s dispute with the federal government over our welcoming city and immigration policies—a suit that Philadelphia won.
Christine Knapp, Director, Office of Sustainability
“Philly’s Green-Agenda Peddler” actually advocated for the the department she now runs in 2007 when she was an environmental policy advocate. As director of the Office of Sustainability since the beginning of the Kenney Administration, Christine Knapp leads our efforts to fight the effects of climate change and make Philadelphia a more sustainable place to live.
She and her team are achieving that vision through forward-thinking and innovative initiatives—including the recent solar purchase agreement that will cover 22 percent of the government’s energy consumption.
What can residents do in their own lives to make a difference for our environment? Vote, says the Villanova grad.