Mayor Jim Kenney’s proposed fiscal year 2020 budget and five-year strategic plan outlines his vision and provides details about how his Administration will help to build a city that works for all.

We’re committed to creating a stronger city by increasing equity in our neighborhoods and tackling some of our biggest challenges.

Here are the four main pillars of our plan:

Two pre-K kids wearing yellow graduation caps

Quality schools in every neighborhood

We have made historic investments in education — the single most important action we can take to lift Philadelphians out of poverty and ensure our children can reach their full potential.

We must continue to work together to create great schools in every neighborhood.


  • Additional $700 million for School District of Philadelphia funding, for a total of $1.2 billion over five years
  • New joint Office of Career Connected Education with the District
  • Strengthened Out-of-School-Time Initiative to provide safe spaces and quality programming for kids
  • More summer job opportunities for youth
  • 20 Community Schools that offer programs and services for students, families, and residents
  • Quality pre-K for 5,500 students by FY23
  • Dual enrollment programs at Philadelphia Community College so high schoolers can earn college credits

Kids running and playing with inflatable beach balls on a playground with a water-spray feature

Inclusive and growing economy that works for all

As our city prospers, we’ll grow our economy in ways that benefit everyone.

We’ll invest to develop our workforce, help the people and neighborhoods affected by the opioid crisis, protect affordable housing, and support our critical community spaces.

The largest investment of the capital budget: $200 million for street repairs and paving. It’s the issue that Mayor Kenney hears about most from residents.


  • $200 million for streets repairs and repaving
  • $5 million in workforce development programs
  • Funds to support our CONNECT transportation plan, ADA ramps, traffic control and signal modernization, Roosevelt Blvd. improvements, and a high-quality bicycle network
  • $80 million to maintain our affordability and address the City’s housing needs
  • $36 million over five years to fight the opioid epidemic by adding housing and drug treatment, neighborhood services, and safe routes to schools
  • Rebuild funds to renovate and upgrade our libraries, parks, recreation centers, and playgrounds
  • $2.5 million for staff and building maintenance to provide six-day service at all library branches during the school year
  • Gradual reductions in the Wage and Business Tax rates to make Philadelphia more competitive and spur job growth

Safe and just city

We recently launched the first comprehensive violence prevention strategy in more than a decade, and Mayor Kenney’s budget dedicates financial support to that vision.

We will address the underlying causes of violence through strategic Police Department programs, gun violence prevention initiatives, new Neighborhood Resource Centers for individuals on probation, and an expanded Community Crisis Intervention Program to serve high-risk communities.


  • $30 million over five years for the Philadelphia Roadmap to Safer Communities violence prevention plan
  • Additional $30 million for our Police and Fire departments for 50 new officers, 1,500 body cameras (enough for every officer), seven new fire companies, and facility and equipment upgrades

Someone sweeping litter on the street

Efficient and effective government

Over the next five years, we will continue to make our operations more efficient and effective — and that work will outlast our administration and build a local government that our residents deserve.


  • $2.3 million annually for street-sweeping pilot in six neighborhoods this spring and evaluation and expansion of the service next year
  • Strong fund balances while contributing $92 million to a Rainy-Day Fund and $55 million annually to a Federal Funding Reserve in case of federal or state funding reductions or an economic downturn
  • Increased funding for cleaning on commercial corridors and grants for CDCs to revitalize neighborhood commercial areas

What happens next?

Over the next few months, City departments and agencies will present their plans during budget hearings, residents will support various initiatives during public testimony opportunities, and then City Council will adopt the final budget in June. The new fiscal year begins July 1.

This plan and the proposed spending allows the City to remain fiscally responsible, build on the momentum we’ve achieved, and address the challenges ahead. The work may take place over five years, but the impact will benefit Philadelphians today and long into the future.

Mayor Kenney and our administration look forward to working with City Council, government officials, partners, and residents to shape a Philadelphia that works for everyone.