PHILADELPHIA – Mayor Kenney issued the following statement regarding House Bill 1419, the “Clean Slate” legislation that was signed into law earlier today by Governor Wolf. The measure allows people who were convicted of summary offenses or misdemeanors to seal their criminal records if they have been law-abiding for at least 10 years. It was given final passage in the state Senate last week.
“I applaud the General Assembly and the Governor for passage and enactment of House Bill 1419. I particularly want to praise the bipartisan efforts of the bills’ chief sponsors, Rep. Jordan Harris (D., Phila.) and Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R., Cumberland), as well as the leadership of Philadelphia’s own Community Legal Services, who have been a national champion of this issue. If a person made a relatively minor mistake when they were younger, there’s no reason they must carry around a criminal record as he or she builds a better life. This legislation can help thousands of Philadelphians combat the collateral consequences that can be the result of even the most minor justice system involvement. This is a common sense reform, and I am thrilled to see it become reality.”