Did you receive a “Warning of Risk of Tax Foreclosure” letter in the mail? Now is the time to take action! You should pay your Real Estate Tax bill in full or enroll into a payment agreement.
Check out the full text of the letter to get more information about programs to help you stay in your home. You’ll also find information about housing counseling agencies that can help you navigate the application processes for these programs.
Looking for property tax information in another language? We’ve posted the letter in eight other languages!
Waiting to pay only increases your bill. Nonpayment may result in selling your home at a public auction, called a Sheriff Sale. Take steps now to prevent a tax foreclosure.
Para la traducción de esta información, visite la página web phila.gov/documents/warningletter y para los servicios de traducción, llame al 215-686-6442
Pour la traduction de cette information, rendez-vous au phila.gov/documents/warningletter et pour les services de traduction, appelez au 215-686-6442
Para obter a tradução das informações, visite phila.gov/documents/warningletter e para serviços de tradução, ligue para 215-686-6442
Để có bản dịch thông tin này, xin vui lòng vào phila.gov/documents/warningletter và để có dịch vụ dịch thuật hãy gọi 215-686-6442
Перевод данной информации можно найти на сайте phila.gov/documents/warningletter, а услуги перевода можно заказать по телефону 215-686-6442
Photo credit: The Jaan/Flickr