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APRIL, 2013


Dear Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Colleagues:

When we started this newsletter, our intent was to create a consistent internal communication tool to keep staff up to date on what was happening within the department. From the very start, there was significant interest in the newsletter from people and agencies external to our department, and the newsletter became a bit broader in perspective as a result. However, we want to stay true to our original intentions, so last month we started publishing an internal and external version of the newsletter. So, welcome to the second edition of PPR’s internal newsletter that is focused toward the interests and needs of our fellow staff.

This edition contains quite a bit of general department information, but a significant portion of this newsletter is dedicated to profiling the various staff trainings that are taking place. Throughout last October’s Safety Forum and our more recent all-staff meetings, we heard staff’s consistent requests for training and other skill development opportunities. And as you will see, we are making an effort to respond to your requests.

As always, I appreciate and value your commitment to the citizens of our great city; thank you.






Customer Service Trainings

In January, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation introduced Philly Welcomes U!, a new online Customer Service Training program. This program is a key element of the department’s staff development initiative. Since its inception, the program has been rolled out to the Programming Division, but we are now working to implement it across the whole department.

In conjunction with the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, a company named Ej4 created short, entertaining videos that teach tactical lessons and can be easily applied on the job. Through their Philly Welcomes U! videos, our employees are trained on customer service skills, typically in 10 minutes or less.

How does it work? All the courses are online, so you will be able to login and complete a course when it’s most convenient for you. After you have viewed a course, a simple review quiz will pop up. Once you’ve completed the quiz, you’re ready to get back to work.

When you successfully complete all of the courses and quizzes, you will be automatically entered to win a Grand Prize, courtesy of the Philadelphia Phillies: 4 lower level tickets to a home game of your choice, a personalized home jersey, the opportunity to watch batting practice from the field, and an exclusive pre-game tour! In addition, Philly Welcomes U! students will be randomly selected throughout the year to win great prizes to regional attractions.

To register for an account, email jessica.wong@phila.gov.

Please download our Philly Welcomes U! info sheet and tell your coworkers about the program.



Sustainable Land Care Training

The Sustainable Land Care Training is a partnership between PPR and The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) to train PPR staff in organic land care management. The bulk of this training will consist of monthly modules for Crew Chief, District Supervisors and Volunteer Coordinator staff from March to November 2013 facilitated by PHS staff with guest instruction from organic land care experts from across the city and region.

Topics to be covered include maintenance checklists, pruning and mulching, plant care, soil and turf, volunteers, and water features and stormwater projects. The two training sites will be FDR Park (South Region) and Pleasant Hill (North Region).



Ranger Interpretative Training

Our Ranger corps began a series of 11 four-hour trainings about the history, flora, fauna and geology of Philadelphia on February 13. The purpose of this training course is to introduce foundations of interpretation and public speaking to our Rangers, as well as the history of Philadelphia and Fairmount Park.

Over the course of the training, the Rangers will visit many of the important historic and cultural sites throughout the PPR system. They will be introduced to methods for and locations where local research can be conducted. Through these trainings, the staff’s identity as a group will be solidified, and their ability to interpret the city and the park’s complex relationship will be strengthened. Philadelphia demonstrated an early commitment to green spaces that developed into a modern public park system. Rangers prepared with this kind of information will be better prepared to influence park visitors to understand and appreciate the value of our resources.



Coherence Framework Trainings

Coherence Framework Trainings

As mentioned in previous newsletters, we are undertaking a number of strategic projects to address some of our department’s outstanding needs and issues. These projects involve cross-divisional teams working together through a “System Coherence” model of leadership. Simply put, this means that staff members from different divisions of the department are working together with a focused and coordinated effort to further our department’s goals.

Project Team Leaders met for full-day sessions on March 7 and 8 to draft project-specific purpose statements and to develop action plans utilizing the collective input of all project teams. The project action plans will be implemented over the next few months and for many of the groups, this includes the recruitment of staff assistance from throughout our department. Staff involvement may range from providing expert advice to hands-on participation, but whatever your involvement, it will help move these projects to success. We will keep you apprised of the ongoing progress in future newsletters but for now, the project purpose statements are listed below.

    Outdoor Programming

    The Be Outside Nature Program will develop an appreciation and stewardship for the outdoor environment through a structured program connecting kids to nature and outdoor activities.

    Team Leaders: Stephanie Hoffer Robinson, Alex Hughes-Taylor, Kathy Tunney

    Sponsor: Terri Kerwawich

    Community Engagement

    This project will develop a training program for new and existing staff to build departmental capacity for effective community engagement.

    Team Leaders: Lori Hayes, Jason Mifflin, Erica Smith Fichman, Lisa Whittle

    Sponsor:Ed Fagan

    Youth Development

    Using the Mantua in Action initiative as a learning model, we will develop protocols and guidelines to create and guide youth development partnerships. Collaboration with external partners will result in more and better opportunities for youth and teens in Philadelphia. Staff at varying levels in the department will have responsibility and authority to advance this work.

    Team Leaders: Rob Jackson, Azaraha Robinson, Ernie St. Germain

    Sponsor: Kathi Muller

    Safe, Clean & Ready to Use

    Our purpose is to use the Cobbs Creek Rec complex as a model to create and implement a set of standards around the concept of Safe, Clean & Ready to Use that will:

    • Be built upon the staff and community engagement meetings outcomes/data
    • Define staff responsibilities
    • Include preventative and reactionary maintenance plans
    • Enhance programmatic goals and expectations
    • Encourage more public use of facilities

    That then can be incorporated department-wide.

    Team Leaders: Tee Jay Boudreau, Mike Finnen, Maureer Maier

    Sponsor: Chris Palmer

    Internal Capacity Building to Promote Partnerships

    Our purpose is for all PPR staff to have a working knowledge of the Department that would enhance job performance, communication, camaraderie, and various partnerships—internally and externally; and to promote team spirit—oneness.

    Team Leaders: Alain Joinville, Carol Roache, Kim Robbins, Kevin Sommerville

    Sponsor: Cynthia Douglas

    Parks Stewardship Partnership

    The purpose of this group is to work together to include all active Friends groups into our interconnected network of Park Friends groups and to enhance the network as we strive to build a Friend group for every park.

    Team Leaders: Erin Engelstad (Fairmount Park Conservancy), Jennifer Mahar (FPC), Barbara McCabe

    Sponsor: Ed Fagan



VISTA Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Workshop


In March-April 2013, VISTAs Jessica Wong and Margaret Ernst designed and led trainings for Facilities Supervisors and Advisory Council members concerning volunteer management. Jessica and Margaret are part of a team of AmeriCorps VISTAs (Volunteers in Service to America) under the Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service (SERVE Philadelphia). VISTAs commit to a full-time year of service, working on a variety of projects across the city designed to increase access to educational opportunities and strengthen community volunteer networks.

Planning for the workshop followed District-wide surveys conducted in Fall 2012 in which facilities supervisors expressed interest in attending training on volunteer management. Supervisors sought support for both ongoing programming and one-time work days at their facilities. Workshops were held at three facilities in North, Southwest, and Northwest Philadelphia, though attendance ranged from all districts. Facilitation assistance was provided by Brandon Vaughan, Dennis Gibson (McVeigh Recreation Center), and Chrissy Rad (Rivera Recreation Center).

The workshop provided an opportunity for participants to:

  • Share experiences and discuss best practices related to recruiting, training, and retaining volunteers
  • Learn about strategies for developing long-term partnerships with high school and higher education service-learning networks
  • Strengthen skills in developing volunteer position descriptions, designing fliers, and utilizing social media in order to build a strong volunteer base
  • Learn about and register for Parks and Recreation’s online background check system for volunteers



TreePhilly Registration Deadline

space Tumbling Meet space

Only a few days remain to register for a free yard tree! Learn more and sign-up by March 31.



Art in the Park


The Spring session of Art in the Park kicked off on March 25 and will run through June 14 in Malcolm X Park, FDR Park, Vernon Park, Campbell’s Square and Fisher Park. All ages are welcome. Download the Art in the Park flier (PDF) for additional details.

For more information or to have a brochure/application for our Summer program, please call Valerie Arhondakis at (215) 683-1997.



2013 Trail Permit Registration

space Trails

Trail permit registration for the 2013 season has begun. All equestrians and bicyclists over the age of 16 are required to display a valid Parks & Recreation Trail User Tag to use the upper trails of the Wissahickon Valley Park and the soft trails of Pennypack Park.

The cost for permit registration is $20.00 for non-residents of the City of Philadelphia. There is no charge for Philadelphia residents; however as in the past, we are asking for help in maintaining and improving the trails through a tax-deductible contribution to Parks & Recreation. A minimum donation of $20.00 is requested, but all donations will be accepted. Donations will be used for the continued maintenance of the trails and to support the trail management program.

Users who do not possess a valid trail permit or are found to be in noncompliance of the trail rules and regulations may be subject to a $25.00 fine.

Learn more about trail permits and register online



Performing Arts Camps

space Performing Arts

Online registration is open for the following camps:

Introduction to the Performing Arts: A citywide specialty camp for children ages 6 to 10 (campers must be 6 years old by July 1, 2013 and cannot be 11 years old before August 9, 2013) who have an expressed interest in the Performing Arts.

Young Performers Theater Camp:A performing arts camp for children, ages 9 through 18 (campers must be 9 years old before July 1, 2013) who have an expressed interest in the theater and related arts.



S.W.A.G. Week (Students with a Goal)

space Swag Week

On Monday, March 25 PPR was among 25 vendors at the S.W.A.G. Week Opportunity Fair. The fair, held at Temple University, offered high school students a chance to learn more about summer camps, internships and jobs, as well as scholarships for college.

S.W.A.G. Week was presented by PhillyGoes2College, an initiative of the Mayor's Office of Education.



A2O: Arts & Artists Outdoors is Back!

space art & Artists space

Philadelphia Parks & Recreation and The City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program are excited to welcome another diverse group of artists to our environmental artist residency program, A2O: Arts & Artists Outdoors. Each artist has been paired up with a recreation facility to lead twice weekly workshops for youth (ages 10-14), and two family and community workshops. During these sessions, each artist will lead engaging, hands-on arts activities that use a variety of media to highlight natural resources and green space near the facility. The program will end with a site-specific, collaborative work of art dedicated to and housed at the recreation facility—a perfect way to usher in spring! Apply now; programming begins the week of April 8.

Spring 2013 Artists & Recreation Centers:

  • Bonnie Whitfield, Hawthorne Cultural Center
  • Michael Koehler, Mander Recreation Center
  • Simiya Sudduth, Max Myers Recreation Center
  • Leah Girardo, Ziehler Recreation Center
  • Patricia Barrera, Piccoli Playground

For applications and more information, visit a participating recreation facility or go to: www.muralarts.org/a2o



Black History Month Art Contest

space Black History Month space

The cases in the lobby on the 10th floor are now filled with pieces that were created at many of our Recreation facilities over the past few months. They were put together by children of all ages and some adults too. The pieces have been on display for the entire month of March and awards were given to many of the artists for their wonderful efforts.



Treevitalize CSA/Urban Agriculture

space Happy Hollow space

It is officially springtime in Philadelphia, and the beginning of the growing season!

For summer 2013, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation is partnering with Penn State Extension to plant vegetable gardens at 13 recreation centers across the city as part of the Department’s new urban agriculture initiative. At each site, youth ages 6-12 years old will tend the gardens as well as learn about garden critters, composting, healthy eating and the natural world. During after-school and summer camp programs, youth will be engaged in fun garden activities and encouraged to become advocates for the environment.

In addition, we plan to connect with all generations through urban agriculture. We will be breaking ground for an Intergenerational Garden at Rivera Recreation Center in partnership with the adjacent Mann Older Adult Center. This new community space will include raised garden beds for a youth urban agriculture program and larger raised bed for seniors, who will act as garden mentors to the youth. Philadelphia Parks &Recreation, the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics and the Philadelphia Orchard Project are also collaborating on an orchard as part of the future Intergenerational Garden. Planting an orchard will expand the harvest to include fruits and berries as well as creating a beautiful gathering space for old and young alike.

Parks & Recreation is also working with the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics to utilize an alternative fundraising platform, citizinvestor.com, to raise money for the orchard project at Rivera Rec Center. Our goal is to raise $2,100 in 37 days to make this project come to life. Please invest in the lives of our Philadelphia youth, our community and the environment by pledging your tax-deductible donation today.

Help Bring Garden-based Education to Rivera Recreation Center



What’s New at Wissahickon Environmental Center


Outdoor Cooking

Outdoor Cooking

On a beautiful, snowy afternoon in February, families participated in a campfire cooking program at Wissahickon Environmental Center, learning how to cook up tasty concoctions in the outdoors. Parents and their young cooks feasted on dough boys, pudgie pies, shish-ka-bob, brownies baked in fresh oranges, and cake baked in a cast iron Dutch oven. The idea was to get families ready for their next camping adventure with new kid- friendly recipes that can be made over the evening campfire. Even the burnt cake tasted great in the crisp, cold air. Want to try these outdoor recipes yourself?! Contact the Tree House at (215) 685-9285 or WEC@phila.gov



Wissahickon Environmental Center has children… Blowing in the Wind

Kites and Sticks

On a warm Saturday afternoon in March, children and their parents attended a kite making program at Wissahickon Environmental Center to make kites the good ol’ fashioned way--with natural materials they found in the woods and recycled newspapers.

After constructing the kites with sticks that were not so heavy that they wouldn’t fly, nor so thin that they would break, the children hiked up to the Andorra Meadows to launch the kites. There wasn’t much wind, but everyone got exercise running through the fields trying to get their kites aloft.



Video: Flip for Fitness

space flipforfitness space

March 14, 2013 at Gustine Recreation Center. Click the image to launch the video



Stewardship Update

space McPherson Square Park

AmeriCorps Week Kick-Off Field Day & Fair at McPherson Square Park

A community play day was hosted at McPherson Square Park on Saturday, March 9 as the kickoff event for AmeriCorps Week. The event was coordinated by the Friends of McPherson Square, the McPherson Square Library, the Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement, and current AmeriCorps members and Alum for numerous organizations. AmeriCorps volunteers and community members conducted a park clean up, and AmeriCorps members along with Playworks volunteers coordinated games and activities for over 50 kids who came out to the park.


Park Stewardship Forum

Park Stewardship Forum

The number of parks involved in the Parks Partnership Program has grown to nearly 100 Park Friend groups throughout Philadelphia.

To honor the history of this stewardship effort, discuss the present and plan for the future, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation and the Fairmount Park Conservancy hosted a Park Stewardship Forum on February 23, to which all Park Friend groups were invited. The Forum was held at the Franklin Institute, and attendees had access to the Franklin Institute after the meeting.

Special thanks to the staff and leaders who joined us, including the special guests who helped create the Parks Program--Joan Reilly, Chief Operating Officer at the Mural Arts Program, and Maitreyi Roy, Executive Director of Bartram's Garden.



The Holderness School Visits Philly Again with Project Outreach

By Patty-Pat Kozlowski

It’s not every day that you get a thank-you letter that thanks you for letting someone work hard; usually it’s the other way around. But dozens of students from the Holderness School presented Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Volunteer Coordinator Dave Bower with a stack of handwritten, heartfelt thank-you notes before they departed the City of Philadelphia and headed back to their school in Plymouth, NH. It’s been an annual tradition for the freshman class of the Holderness School to travel to Philadelphia and put in a week’s worth of hard work in our Fairmount Park system through their Project Outreach Program.

This year, along with Bower in Wissahickon Park, our Volunteer Coordinators Jackie Olson and Joe Caesar coordinated work projects for the teens ranging from clearing the ravines in Tacony Creek Park to cleaning and greening Cobbs Creek Park. When wet snow and heavy rains hit our area during one of their work days, Mike O’Brien out at the Horticulture Center had plenty for them to do and put them to work scrubbing chairs and potting plants and shrubs in the nursery hot house.

Founded in 1879 by members of the Episcopal General Convention, The Holderness School was envisioned as a place that could provide "the highest degree of excellence in instruction and care-taking with the lowest possible charge for tuition and board." Taking seriously this charge to provide an accessible, quality education, the school has earned its reputation as a close-knit campus that maintains challenging expectations for its students, growing their strengths across academic, athletic, spiritual, and artistic horizons. The school’s mission instills Community, Character, Scholarship, Balance and Involvement as its mission for every student.

While in Philadelphia, The Holderness School clan also assists at the St. Barnabas Mission, a homeless shelter for women and young children, and in 2010 partnered with Philabundance, the City’s biggest distributor of food to shelters, soup kitchens and struggling families.

The Holderness School freshmen were in Philadelphia from March 5-13, 2013 and they certainly pulled their weight and did a great job in our park system. And don’t worry, Philadelphia Parks & Rec thanked them right back and treated them to a night at the 76ers Game, (thanks to Stu Greenberg and Leo Dignam) and get this--the Sixers actually won that night!



LOVE Your Park Week Preview Love Your Park

LOVE Your Park week is May 11-18, 2013! We will once again enjoy a week of fun activities that celebrate our fantastic parks and the folks who love them. Northeast Philly's Wissinoming Park will be the signature site for a massive cleanup and service day on May 11 and will kick off a week of awesome park events and activities.

Want to get involved? Volunteer for the kickoff service day on May 11 to spruce up your local park. Go to www.loveyourpark.org or like the LOVE Your Park page on Facebook.



Spring Open House

space On Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 40 recreation centers and playgrounds will open their doors to the community for a Spring Open House. Come by your local recreation center to participate in fun and family-friendly activities, learn about your Advisory Council, sign up for upcoming events, and much more, while enjoying refreshments and winning prizes!

Participating locations:

  • District 1: Boyle, Holmesburg, Mayfair, Gifford, Tarken
  • District 2: American Legion, Bridesburg, Disston, Dorsey, Heitzman, Shissler, Vogt
  • District 3: Rivera, Lawncrest, Feltonville, Scanlon, McVeigh, Houseman, Piccoli, Olney
  • District 4: Belfield, Emanuel, Finley, Houston, Kendrick
  • District 6: Clemente, Francisville, Gathers, Lloyd Hall, M.L. King
  • District 7: D. Finnegan, Shot Tower, Guerin, DiSilvestro, Smith
  • District 8: Kingsessing, Shepard, Wright, F.J. Myers, Mill Creek
Find the location nearest you.



Parks and Recreation Commission Update

space PaRC Star space
  • In addition to hearing public comments on the proposed Leadership and Conservation Center in East Park at its February 27 meeting, the Commission recognized Mander baseball coach Bill Denise as its PaRC Star. Know a great park or recreation volunteer? Nominate a PaRC Star.

  • On March 8 the Commission sent a letter to Mayor Michael Nutter and Council President Darrell Clarke with its determination on Temple University’s proposed boathouse. Read the Temple boathouse determination letter (PDF)



Branding Update

space branding space

To get a sense of the range of PPR services, our branding consultants visited facilities and sites ranging from parks and playgrounds to ice rinks, bike trails and indoor pools on March 4 and 5. They will return to several locations, and visit a few new ones, to film in May once plants and trees are (hopefully) in bloom. In addition, department leadership met on March 22 for a daylong “branding charrette,” a brainstorming and visioning workshop that helped define what the department promise should be.

Currently, we are in a wait-and-see period while the consultants are in creative development, but we hope to share their suggestions with you soon.



Volunteer Opportunity: Broad Street Run


The 2013 Blue Cross Broad Street Run is looking for volunteers May 3, 4 and 5! All volunteers will receive an exclusive 2013 volunteer T-shirt. Individual volunteers and groups are volunteers are needed.

Download the Broad Street Run Volunteer flier (PDF) or visit http://www.broadstreetrun.com/Community/Volunteer.cfm for more information.



Volunteer Opportunity: TreePhilly Yard Tree Giveaways

space Volunteer Opportunity

As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, TreePhilly will be giving away free yard trees again this year, and we would love to have PPR staff help out at the events and find out more about what we're doing in the community. If you are interested in volunteering to help give away trees, please RSVP to Erica Smith Fichman (215-683-0217 or erica.smith@phila.gov) by March 31. We have nine events in April to choose from, most of them on weekends.



Job Opportunities


Visit our Employment page for information about the following positions (and more)!

  • TreeKeepers Crew Workers
  • TreeKeepers Crew Coordinator
  • Lifeguard I
  • Lifeguard II
  • Pool Equipment Operator
  • Pool Maintenance Attendant 

